Unity and Discipline

(The motto was adopted on 12 Oct 1980 at the 12th Central Advisory Committee meeting)


We, the cadet of the national cadet corps, do solemnly pledge that we shall always uphold the unity of India. We resolve to be disciplined and responsible citizens of our nation. We shall undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for our fellow beings.


I do hereby solemnly promise that I will serve my mother land most truly and loyally and that, I will abide by the rules and regulations of the National Cadet Corps. Further under the command and control of my commanding officer I will participate in every camp most sincerely and wholeheartedly


NCC flag contains NCC crest in gold in the middle, with the letters NCC encircled by a wreath of seventeen lotus with a background of red (Army), blue (Navy) and light blue (Air force). The seventeen lotuses represent 17 state directorates. Ekta aur anushasan (Unity and discipline) is written at the bottom.


  • Obey with smile
  • Be punctual
  • Work hard without fuss
  • Make no excuses and tell no lies

Aims of NCC

  • To develop qualities of character, courage, comradeship, discipline, leadership, secular outlook, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship and the ideals of selfless service among the youth to make them useful citizen
  • To create a human resource of organised, trained and motivated youth to provide leadership in all walks of life including the Armed Forces and be always available for the service of the nation


The inter-service character of the NCC is reflected in its flag. The NCC Flag was introduced in 1954. There are three colours in the flag, namely, Red, Navy Blue and Sky Blue, from left to right (when you are facing the flag). The Red colour is for the Army, Navy Blue for the Navy and Sky Blue for the Air Wing. The letters “NCC” written in Golden Yellow colour in the crest are encircled by a blossomed lotus wreath. The two dots in the middle of the upper end of the wreath represent the two premier training institutes of the NCC, i.e., the Officers Training Academy at Kamptee, for training male Associate NCC Officers and Women Officers Training Academy at Gwalior, for training lady Associate NCC Officers and Instructors.


  • NCC Army Infantry Division was instituted in our college in 2021. It is functioning under 28 Tamilnadu Battalion NCC, Virudhunagar which comes under the Madurai Group, Tamilnadu, Pondichery and Andaman Nicobar Directorate with strength of 80 cadets and one Associate NCC officer.


(a) The NCC is placed under the Ministry of Defence, Govt of India. Head of the Organisation at All India level is Director General NCC in the Rank of Lieutenant General.

Deputy Director General NCC in the rank of Commodore is the Head of the Department in respect of State NCC Directorates.

Categories of Officers & Staff. Officers and Permanent Instructional Staff (PI Staff) are drawn from Army, Navy and Air Force including Central Govt Civilian Staff. Apart from these, Officers, Staff and Associate NCC Officers are drawn from State Govt/Union Territories.

NCC Organisational Set-Up.

Headquarters      :        DG NCC

West Block – IV, R.K. Puram New Delhi – 110 066

Phone         : 011-26104797 Tele Fax : 011-26194435

(Director General NCC is of Lieutenant General Rank)

State Level Offices:       Totally 17 Directorates all over India at designated State Capitals/Union Territories are headed by Deputy Directors General in the rank of Brigadier/Commodore/Air Commodore

State Level Office in Tamil Nadu       :         National Cadet Corps Directorate

(Tamil Nadu, Pondicherry & Andaman Nicobar)

Regional Level Offices: There are 6 NCC Group Headquarters each headed by a Group Commander in the Rank of Colonel/equivalent, under the Directorate. Two Groups are located in Chennai and one each in Coimbatore, Madurai, Tiruchirappalli and Pondicherry.

(e) District Level Offices:  Totally 59 NCC Units are functioning headed by Commanding Officer/Officer Commanding in the rank of Colonel/ Lt Colonel/Major under this Directorate.


The NCC is open to all regular students of Schools and Colleges on a voluntary basis.  Boys/Girls studying I/II/III year degree course are enrolled in Senior Division/Senior Wing.

The Cadets have been divided into the following categories:

The NCC in College/Polytechnic/University level is known as ‘Company’.

(i) Senior Division (SD) Boys
(ii) Senior Wing (SW) Girls



  1. Institutional Training
    1. Institutional training conducted at colleges and schools is the mainstay of NCC training and is conducted by Associate NCC Officers and Armed Forces personnel. The syllabus comprises Common Subjects and Service Subjects in the ratio of 70:30. While the Senior Wing/Division training is for three years and has 300 periods, the Junior Wing/Division training is for two years and encompasses 240 periods of training. The training year is from 01 April to 31 March. Training schedules planned for cadets ensure that the optimum benefits of the organisation reach maximum number of cadets. Emphasis is on practical training. Case study method of instruction, wherever possible, is made to facilitate active participation and better assimilation.
    2. Institutional training includes basic military training to the cadets as part of the curriculum and prepares them to join the Armed Forces. It is conducted with the following specific purposes:
      1. Firstly, to expose young cadets to a `regimental way of life’ which is essential to inculcate in them the values of discipline, duty, punctuality, orderliness, smartness, respect for the authorities, correct work ethos, and self- confidence.
      2. Secondly, to generate interest among the cadets by including and laying emphasis on those aspects of Institutional Training which attract young cadets into the NCC and to provide them an element of thrill and excitement.
      3. Thirdly, to inculcate Defence Services work ethos that are characterized by hard work, sincerity of purpose, honesty, ideal of selfless service, dignity of labour, secular outlook, comradeship, spirit of adventure and sportsmanship.

2. Camp Training

                                  Camp training is the practical manifestation of institutional training. The basic aim of camps is to introduce the cadets to a regimented way of life and to help in developing camaraderie, team work, leadership qualities, self-confidence, self-reliance and dignity of labour in the minds of the cadets. The cadets are exposed to the excitement of camp life where they apply the theoretical knowledge that they had gained in institutional training. It is mandatory for Junior Division/ Junior Wing cadets to attend at least one camp and Senior Division/ Senior Wing cadets to attend a minimum of two camps during the period of their enrollment. NCC conducts over 1450 camps annually at an average frequency of more than 100 camps in a month. Each NCC camp is structured for approximately 400 – 600 cadets with instructional staff comprising three to four officers and 15-20 Associate NCC Officers (ANOs)/ Permanent Instructors (PI) Staff/ Whole Time Lady Officers (WTLOs)/ Girl Cadet Instructors (GCIs). More than 8 lakh cadets attend these camps each year. Republic Day Camp is the acme of NCC training and is conducted in January every year.


Lt. K.Ganeshbabu

Company Commander / Associate NCC Officer

301/20 FSFS – NCC Army

Sri Kaliswari College (Autonomous), Sivakasi. – 626130

Contact Nos. (04562) 232648, 979042902.

Email :

Republic Day Camp(RDC)

RDC is held at Garrison Parade Ground, Delhi Cantt. from 01 to 29 Jan. 1850 Selected NCC Cadets from 17 directorates attend the Camp. The camp is inaugurated by the Vice-President of India and culminates with Prime Minister’s Rally on 28 Jan

Thal Sainik Camp(TSC)

The TSC is a 12 days camp conducted in Delhi every year in the late autumn, in which the cadets are selected from all 17 directorates (30+3 SD/JD and SW/JW cadets from each directorate), by conducting 3 pre-TSC camps

Army Attachment Camp(AAC)

These camps are conducted by the NCC in collaboration with Indian Army, as the cadets are attached to the specific regiments. In this camp, the cadets are trained in the military tactics including day/night warfare and also get familiar with the weaponry.

Ek Bharat Shreshtha Bharat (EBSB)

EBSB is to propagate national integration among cadets and society. Only the best cadets in drills and march are sent to represent their states. These camps are conducted on All India basis and help bridge the cultural gap among various States of India

Youth Exchange Programme(YEP)

Selected NCC cadets participate in Youth Exchange Programme which is a country to country exchange of cadets belonging to NCC/ equivalent Govt/ youth organisations of friendly countries. NCC has a vibrant YEP with 11 countries.

Combined Annual Training Camp(CATC)

In C.A.T.C., the boys(Senior & Junior Division)and girl cadets(Senior & Junior Wing) of a particular NCC unit participate in the 10-day camp. Classes are conducted as per the given syllabus wherein certain aspects of NCC training are taught once again

Leadrship Camps (BLC&ALC)

Special camps are organised by NCC to promote leadership qualities. These camps aim at the development of officer-like qualities and exhibit the inherent personality of the cadets.

Adventure Camps

Rock Climbing

Rock climbing is an activity in which participants climb up, down or across natural rock formations or artificial rock walls.


Cadets who want to experience something adventurous must attend them. Create memories never forgotten.

Scuba Diving

Scuba diving is a form of underwater diving where the diver uses a self-contained underwater breathing apparatus which is completely independent of surface supply, to breathe underwater

Para Jumping

Parachuting, or skydiving, is a method of transiting from a high point to Earth with the aid of gravity, involving the control of speed during the descent with the use of a parachute.


Paragliding is the recreational and competitive adventure sport of flying paragliders: lightweight, free-flying, foot-launched glider aircraft with no rigid primary structure. The pilot sits in a harness suspended below a fabric wing.

Horse Riding

Horse Riding refers to the skill of riding, driving, steeplechasing or vaulting with horses. This includes the use of horses for practical working purposes, transportation, recreational activities, artistic or cultural exercises and competitive sport.

Certificate B Examination

  • The Cadet must be in second year of SD/SW NCC Training
  • Must have attended one Annual Training Camp/NIC/Attachment training with regular Army, Navy, Air Force Units
  • The cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of total training period laid down in the syllabus for the first and second years for Senior Division Wing NCC (All Wings). Break in the NCC service of the cadet SD/SE prior to appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after his discharge to count his service for Certificate ‘B’ Examination.

Certificate C Examination

  • Cadet must have passed ‘B’ certificate
  • The Cadet must be in second/third year of SD/SW NCC Training
  • Must have attended two Camps (One ATC/CATC and another ATC or any other centrally organised camps)
  • The Cadet must have attended a minimum of 75% of the periods of 3rd year syllabus during the academic session
  • Break in the NCC Service of the SD/SW Cadet prior to appearing in the exam should not exceed more than 18 months at one time, after the cadet’s discharge to count the previous service for Certificate ‘C’ examination.
  • In case the break exceeds 18 months, the following procedure will be adopted:
  • If he had been on the Unit rolls for a minimum of two years before his discharge and had attended 75% of the total period during his NCC service, he will need another 45 periods of training to become eligible for Certificate ‘C’ examination. In all other cases where above conditions are not fulfilled, the Cadet must attend a minimum of 75% periods of the first and second year of training

Permission to appear in Certificate examinations after discharge

  • Cadets who ceased to be on rolls of NCC may be permitted to appear for certificate ‘A’ Examination for Junior Division/Wing and ‘B’ & “C” for Senior Division/Wing NCC at their own expenses within a period of 12 months of their discharge from the NCC, provided they were otherwise eligible at the time of their discharge.
  • The ex-cadet so eligible can appear for the examination at any place in India by applying for the same, alongside with discharge certificate, to Local Unit Commander. The Group Commander is empowered to accept such requests from the ex-cadets.

Re-exam for improving grade

  • With a view to give the cadets a chance to apply for the NCC Special Entry Scheme, in case their grading improves, it has been ruled that
  • Cadets who have obtained a ‘C’ grading in NCC ‘C’ Certificate Exam and who wish to improve their grading will be allowed to appear for a re-test. Only one re-test will be allowed
  • Cadets will have to re-appear in complete examination
  • Re-test will be held along with fresh cases next year. During the period, these cadets may attend at least two weeks’ Special Parade/Coaching classes to be organised by units after the academic session. Those cadets who do not attend the Special Parade/Classes will also be eligible to appear for the re-test. No refreshment or other allowances will be admissible for these classes/parades/re-tests.