The office of the Controller of Examination has all the facilities. Evaluation is on the basis of both continuous internal assessment and external and semester examinations. The components of the internal assessment is based on Quiz, Assignment and term papers. At the end of the semester, the internal marks are displayed so that the students can verify their marks.

In case of dissatisfaction with Summative Examination Mark, a student can ask to COE, in writing for the xerox copy of the answer paper on payment of a fee Rs.400 but no revaluation can done since we have already double valuation system. Therefore photocopy of answer scripts are given to the students.


  • For Part IV Papers only Single Valuation system is followed

  • Students can apply for Revaluation only for Part IV Papers from November 2018 Summative Exams onwards.
  • For Part I, II, III Papers no revaluation since double valuation system is followed for these papers.