In the year 2018, the Ministry of Education (MoE) through MoE’s Innovation Cell (MIC) launched the Institution’s Innovation Council (IIC) program in collaboration with AICTE for Higher Educational Institutions (HEIs) to systematically poster the culture of innovation and start-up ecosystem in education institutions. Primarily, IIC’s role is to engage large number of faculty, students and staff in various innovation and entrepreneurship related activities such as ideation, problem solving, Design thinking, IPR, project handling, and management at pre-incubation stage etc., The IIC Model is designed to address the existing challenges and issues in Higher Educational Institutions. A network of these IICs will be established in our Institution in the year 2020 to promote innovation in the Institution through multitudinous modes leading to an innovation promotion eco-system in our campuses.


  1. To conduct various innovation and entrepreneurship-related activities prescribed by Central MIC in time bounded fashion.
  2. Organize periodic workshops/ seminars/ interactions with entrepreneurs, investors, professionals and create a mentor pool for student innovators.
  3. Identify and reward innovations and share success stories.
  4. Network with peers and national entrepreneurship development organizations.
  5. Organize Day Celebration activities, Self Driven Activities, Hackathons, idea competition, mini-challenges etc with the involvement of industries.

Major Focus of IIC

  1. To create a vibrant local innovation ecosystem
  2. Start-up/ entrepreneurship supporting Mechanism in HEIs
  3. Prepare institute for ATAL Ranking of Institutions on Innovation Achievements Framework (ARRIA)
  4. Establish Function Ecosystem for Scouting Ideas and Pre-incubation of Ideas
  5. Develop better Cognitive Ability amongst Technology Students
S.No. Date Programme Details Beneficiaries Outcomes
1 29.01.2021 Session on “National Innovation & Startup Policy” 88 To know the important aspects of promoting and supporting innovation technology commercialization.
2 05.02.2021 Session on “A Successful Entrepreneur – The Path Passed” 86 To understand the business problems and it convert into the opportunities by the way of creating skills.
3 15.02.2022 Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Carrer Opportunity” 168 To develop the necessary skills to become successful entrepreneurs
4 17.02.2022 My Story – “Motivational Session by Sucessful Entrepreneur/Start Up Founder” 158 To gain knowledge about the way of investment in various business opportunities
5 22.02.2022 Exposure and Field Visit for Problem Identification 54 To Gain knowledge about the overall textile production, plastic making and paper recycling
6 23.02.2022 Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude & Behavioual Development” 164 To develop entrepreneurial abilities in order to become a successful entrepreneur in future.
7 24.02.2022 Workshop on “Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design” 214 To focus on market demand responsive ans innovation based products that create more number of business opportunities.
8 25.02.2022 Field Visit to City MSME Clusters 55 To create exposure among the students regarding the MSME Sectors.
9 28.02.2022 National Science Day Celebration 30 To encourage the active involvement of students in science related activities.
10 06.04.2022 Workshop on “Business Plan Preparation” 151 To know the importance of preparing business plan to avail financial assistance from governmental and non governmental organisations.
11 12.04.2022 Workshop on “Business Model Canvas” 106 To ensure the students are creating compelling products or services based on the customers needs and desires.
12 20.04.2022 National Earth Day celebration 84 To spread awareness about conserving earth.
13 26.04.2022 Intellectual Property Day Celebration 168 To ensure the proper protection of their patents, trademarks and copyrights.
14 28.04.2022 Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights and IP management for Startups” 75 To understand the importance of IPR and financial challenges of startups.
15 30.04.2022 Workshop on “Angel Investment for early stage entrepreneurs” 124 To ensure the role of angel investors to support the companies.
16 11.05.2022 National Technology Day Celebration 115 To understand the importance of technology in future.
17 05.06.2022 World Environment Day Celebration 162 To spread awareness about the need to protect the environment.
18 22.08.2022 Session on “Incubation-Opportunities for early stage entrepreneurs” 154 To understand the importance of accelerators and incubators and innovation management to fulfill the financial requirements and raise capital for the startups.
19 22.08.2002 World Entrepreneurs Day Celebration 179 To focus the role and importance of entrepreneurs by bringing new ideas and innovation to the market.
20 23.08.2022 Session on “Innovation/Prototype Validation for Business Fit” 79 To provide ideas in order to avoid the future challenges
21 30.08.2022 Field visit for incubation unit 59 To identify, Nurture and translate technology ideas and innovation in entrepreneurship.
22 15.10.2022 National Innovation Day Celebration 64 To encourage  young entrepreneurs  to use new  ideas,  make new decisions and  do creative thinking
23 11.11.2022 National Education Day Celebration 51 To  strengthen  our educational  institution  and  creating awareness  regarding  the importance of education.
24 02.12.2022 National Pollution Control Day Celebration 88 To bring  awareness  about  the  dangers  caused  due  to  polluted  water, land,  and air
25 14.12.2022 National Energy Conservation Day Celebration 48 To present India’s stellar achievements in  cost-efficient  energy  production  and  resource  conservation.
26 12.01.2023 National Youth Day Celebration 79 To understand  the importance  of  National  Youth  Day, and  the  challenges  faced  by  the  youth today.
27 16.01.2023 National Start-up Day Celebration 129 To  encourage  the  spirit  of  entrepreneurship  and  promote achievements  of Indian  start-ups.
28 17.02.2023 Workshop on “Design Thinking, Critical Thinking and Innovation Design” 114 To identify the gap  and  implement  the  innovation  in  the field of business.
29 20.02.2023 Session on “Sucessful Entrepreneur” 138 To create awareness about the entrepreneurship and highlight the key characteristics of entrepreneurs.
30 21.02.2023 Field Visit to MSME Clusters 68 Highly  useful to the  students  they  gained  adept  knowledge about the  overall  production.
31 22.02.2023 Field visit for Problem Identification 77 Students also understood  the  current market situation and latest  technologies  used  by the  industries
32 23.02.2023 Workshop on “Entrepreneurship Skill, Attitude & Behavioual Development” 78 Students learned the basic skill of entrepreneur and possessed innovative ideas
33 24.02.2023 Workshop on “Entrepreneurship and Innovation as Carrer Opportunity” 162 To motivate the students to create innovative thinking.
34 28.02.2023 National Science Day Celebration 150 To enlighten  about various  innovative  ideas  for  the  sustainable  development  of our Country
35 16.03.2023 Field Visit to Technology Transfer Centre 30 To create  awareness  about  the  usage  of  solar energy
36 21.04.2023 World Creativity and Innovation Day celebration 97 To  raise  the  awareness  of  the role  of creativity  and innovation  in  all aspects  of human development
37 26.04.2023 World Intellectual Property Rights Day Celebration 121 To  celebrate  creativity,  and  the contribution  made by creators  and innovators  to  the  development of  economies  and  societies  across the  globe
38 11.05.2023 National Technology Day Celebration 59 To mark  Indian technological  advancement.
39 05.06.2023 World Environment Day Celebration 144 To  raise awareness  among  students about  the  environmental  issues  as  well  as take  positive  environmental  actions.
40 04.07.2023 Workshop on “Business Model Canvas” 75 To  ease the  process  in developing  new  products  or  business
41 06.07.2023 Workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights” 146 To  encourage  the  creativity  of the  human  mind for  the  benefit arising from  exploiting   the  creator
42 02.08.2023 Session on “Accelerators/Incubation – Opportunities for early stage entrepreneurs” 135 To explore and understand  the  full  range  of options  available  to  an entrepreneur.
43 03.08.2023 International Women’s Day Celebration 136 To  create  awareness  of  gender equality  for  a  healthy  society.
44 15.08.2023 Independence Day Celebration 478 Students’  understanding of the  sacrifices  made  by  our freedom  fighters  and  the  responsibility  they  bear as  the  future  of  the  nation.
45 21.08.2023 World Entrepreneurs Day Celebration 123 To  create awareness  for  entrepreneurship,  innovation  and  leadership
46 22.08.2023 Session on “Innovation/Prototype Validation for Business Fit” 129 To  educate  themselves  about  the  necessary steps,  tasks,  and  tools  they need to  properly  plan  for,  build, and  grow  their  startup.
47 28.08.2023 Session on “Angel Investment for Early Stage Entrepreneurs” 129 To explore and understand the full range of options available to an entrepreneur.
48 30.08.2023 Entrepreneurship Out Reach Programme 45 To create entrepreneurship awareness among students to enhanced entrepreneurial skills for their development

List of IIC Members

S.No Name of the Faculty Role
1 Dr.P.K.Balamurugan
2 Ms.R.Muthulakshmi
3 Dr.M.Lakshmanakumar
Assistant Professor of  PG Commerce
4 Mrs.L.Priya
Head & Asst. Prof., Dept. of Computer Science
NIRF Co-Ordinator
5 Dr.V.Pradeepa
Assistant Professor of Bio – Tech
IPR Activity Co-Ordinator
6 Dr.T.Jeyakumaran
Assistant Professor of Physics
Internship Activity Co-Ordinator
7 Mrs.M.Nageswari
Assistant Professor of BBA
Startup Activity Co-Ordinator
8 Dr.K.Sadeeshkumar
Associate Professor of PG Commerce
9 Dr.A.Babu Franklin
Assistant Professor of Commerce
10 Dr.M.Murugan
Assistant Professor of Botany