
Evaluation is an important component in the teaching – learning process.  Operational principles of evaluations are:

  • Evaluation method should be more holistic than merely testing the knowledge based on the memory of the student

  • The testing method and procedures must be positively committed to testing the originality and creativity of the student rather than the ability to produce textual knowledge.

  • Equal weightage must be given to the ability to apply knowledge acquired in the class room through laboratory experimentation and field exploration.

  • Appearance in the summative Examinations is mandatory. If a student is not appearing for the summative Examination he/she is treated as having failed in the course.

  • The marks in internal test, assignment, quiz/viva-voce or seminar etc or any other approved assessment point shall be counted towards the total formative assessment for that semester.

  • There shall be no minimum marks prescribed in formative evaluation for passing a course.

Two types of Evaluation

  • Evaluating the learning progress of students intermittently as the instructional process is known as Formative Evaluation.

  • Evaluation undertaken at the terminal stage of the instructional process is called summative Evaluation.

Formative evaluation helps the learners to correct their errors then and there and the summative evaluation reveals the overall attainment of each individual learner.

Mode of Evaluation 

The mode of evaluation of the performance of students in UG,PG and M.Phil programmes shall be both on the basis of Continuous Internal Assessment (Formative evaluation) and Summative Examinations.The ratio for formative and summative evaluation for all UG and PG is given below

THEORY    25 75 (27 UG)
LAB    40 60 (34 PG)

M.Phil. Courses

THEORY    40 60 (27 M.Phil)
Project  75    75    50    200

In case of field study, self-study courses in both UG and PG programmes, the continuous Internal Assessment shall be 100% unless otherwise specific modification(s) are proposed by concerned board of studies and approved by the academic council.

In case of dissertations and research projects in UG, PG and M.Phil Programmes the ratio between formative and summative evaluations is 40:60.

Conduct of Formative evaluation

All the written tests, quizzes, seminar, Assignments, pertaining to the formative assessment shall be conducted within the stipulated time period as per the officially announced schedule in the college calendar and the following points to be noted in this regard .

  • The written tests which form the components of the formative evaluation for the UG and PG courses shall be centrally organized and conducted by the Exam wing issuing specific schedule indicating time and venue for each undergraduate & post graduate courses and Schedule is published in the College Calendar.

  • Continuous Internal Assessment Test.

  • There will be three tests generally.

  • First test will be conducted after 30 days and include one-third portion.Duration 1 hour for UG and 2 hours for PG.

  • The second test will be conducted after 60 days including the next one-third portion. Duration 1 hour for UG and 2 hours for PG.

  • Including the whole syllabus the third test (or the model test) will be conducted before the end-semester exam.Duration 3 hours for UG, PG & M.Phil.

  • The question paper pattern for the model Exam shall be as in the Summative Examination.

The pattern for formative (internal) continuous assessment may be as follows:

  • Three tests will be given – average mark of best two taken – average 15 marks.

  • Group Discussion/Seminar/Quiz – 5 marks each – average 5 marks.

  • Two assignments – 5 marks each – average 5 marks
    Total – 15 + 5 + 5 = 25 marks.

  • If the department opts Quiz, 2 Quizzes should be conducted.

  • Internal tests will be conducted as per the officially announced schedule published in the college calendar.

  • The same method shall be followed for PG and M.Phil programmes unless otherwise specific modifications are proposed by the concerned board of studies and approved by the academic council.

  • Individual course teacher shall prepare question papers for the formative assessment test well in advance for the above centrally conducted tests and hand over the question papers to the examination wing for printing and administering the tests. The invigilation work for all the faculty members is allotted and informed to the faculty well in advance by the Exam wing.

  • After each test the course teacher or teachers shall collect the concerned answer papers, value them within a week and return the answer papers to the students for transparency.They will keep the answer paper safely till the students receive their degree certificates.

  • The mark register shall be submitted to the faculty in charge of verification and who in turn shall submit the mark registers to the Principal for signature.

  • In between during class hours Quizzes/seminars, assignments shall be conducted after announcing the scheduled time table to the students earlier.Head of Departments shall monitor all these things.

  • In the end of the semester after the completion of the written tests, quizzes and assignments, the consolidated and final mark statement of the formative assessment is submitted to the COE’s office in the Excel format. The Head of the Departments will keep the hard copy of the same duly signed by the student, course teacher, HOD and Principal.

Reassessment for Formative Assessment

  • Students are required to take every test/assignment/quiz/seminar under the formative assessment without fail.Re-assessment under formative assessment will not be entertained in normal circumstances.

  • However, absence from any formative assessment like written tests, quizzes, seminars and assignments etc on medical grounds, participation in sports and games, intercollegiate competitions and any other authorized student activity and other contingencies like death and marriage in the family shall be judged on the basis of individual merit in the case, before re-assessment opportunity is given. They must submit separate Application form to the COE duly sign by the Course Teacher and HOD.

  • For re-test or quiz, a different set of questions must be prepared.

  • For each formative assessment missed by a regular student only one re-assessment opportunity will be permitted.

  • Re-assessment shall be completed as soon as possible and before the submission of CIA to the COE.