2.5.3 IT Integration and Reforms in the Examination Procedures

IT Integration in Examination Procedures and Processes
Modules Screenshot
Automation of COE Office with ELITE software Click to View Click to View
Upgradation of ELITE software for Digital Mark Entry Click to View Click to View
Upgradation of ROVAN IMS to process CO/PO Click to View Click to View
CIA component Quiz via Online Platforms Click to View Click to View
Using SKCOLMS for submitting and evaluating e-Assignments Click to View Click to View
Reforms in the Examination Procedures and Processes
Self-Paced Learning Courses offered through Swayam platform Click to View
Transfer of Academic Credits from SWAYAM Click to View
Revision of CIA Mark to assess overall cognitive level Click to View
Presentation of papers in Conferences as a CIA tool for Project Evaluation in PG Programmes Click to View
Rubrics for all CIA components Click to View
Bloom's Taxonomy framework to evaluate students' learning levels Quiz Click to View
Internal Question Paper Click to View
Assessing Part V Courses on the basis of Students' engagement and performance Click to View
Supplementary Examinations for final year students within ten days from result publication Click to View
Examination Policy Click to View